Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cultural Icons and Phone Sex

It was one of those evenings,
Socialites with lap dogs,
All red wine and crackers.
A noted cultural icon,
Against a museum timeline.
A modern clear plexi podium
Professional lighting and sound
It was ultimate intown urban chic.
Cameras recording for prosperity
The usual suspects on the scene.
Then book signings and niceties.
A new signed book for my
“When I can get to” it pile.
But I was Achilles dipped in
A river of cultured civility
And now my heel itches.
Once in my car I was tempted.
Bookstore or bathhouse?
Needing some antidote,
Some sleaziness some sin,
To balance it all out.
All this refinement and culture
Too rich, needing something
To dirty my palate.
I settled for phone sex,
Felt much better. All in all;
It had been a very good evening.


Lisa Nanette Allender said...

I love this. Is this a reference to the recent S.O. reading in Atlanta?
Wow if it is. If it's not, then please:
Do Tell!
btw, I left comments at several of your recent posts....

C. Cleo Creech said...

Hey Lisa - thanks for the feedback - yes it was the Sharon Olds reading I was talking about. It was a great reading, but sometimes the "eventfulness" of a celebrity poetry reading (a bit of an oxymoron) becomes the focus, almost as much as the work.

Lisa Nanette Allender said...

Hmmmmmmmm....... food-for-thought, as the saying goes!