Monday, August 14, 2006

Green Zone at Java Monkey

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First reading from the Book last night at Java Monkey. Was a bit of an off night, but got good a response and sold a handful of books. The press kits have been trickling out, but just dropped a huge box of them off that I'd put together over the weekend. One response I keep getting from people is that “yeah, I remember kinda hearing something about that a while back.” So it's seems like this issue is something that is hovering around just on the edge of most people's consciousness, so hopefully this project will bring this into focus for people.

1 comment:

Collin Kelley said...

One thing you might want to consider is doing a search on MySpace to see if you can find like-minded people and make a Friend Request so that the Green Zone space gets added to their site. It's that viral marketing. I've sent a request to be friend of the MySpace site.

You might also want to search on Blogger and see if you can start adding people to your links here.