Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Outside the Green Zone - Getting it Out There

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Well, after weeks (months) of pulling this together. Including hand-printing the art covers and assembly. The chapbook is now available.

I have to give a special thanks to my fellow contributing poets, Franklin Abbott, Lisa Allender, Theresa Davis, Collin Kelley and Steven Reigns. Everone brought heir own unique perspectives and styles and the result is a very powerful collection.

I'll be sending out lots and lots of press releases, guest columns, op-eds, etc. for while. I have a huge stack of contact and will be knocking out info/press releases every night.

Initial early reaction seems good.

Hopefully this will prove to be a vehicle to get the word out, and create some grass roots activism, as well as maybe raise a little money for the Uk exile group.

I'll keep you posted as events unfold.

1 comment:

Collin Kelley said...

Great Cleo! I've just put up a big item at my blog. The books are really well done.